Graphene batteries and super capacitors, who are the future of energy storage

Addtime:2015-03-03 Views:1801

For graphene, we are no longer strange, as a "universal material" graphene has been widely used. The recent emergence of graphene lithium batteries is to let energy storage industry, by the Spanish scientists developed graphene lithium battery charging is said to have finished just 8 minutes, battery life can to 1000 miles, seconds kill traditional gasoline car, this is the new energy vehicle development are of great imagination, graphene lithium battery so called "super battery".

Unfortunately, the technology spread to the car still need time. First of all, lithium battery technology needs to be improved, secondly, as a new material, the preparation of graphene for domestic industry is still difficult. And industry experts will focus on another technique, what is there already a long time and has ignored the super capacitor.

As a kind of energy storage devices, supercapacitors in the process of charging and discharging the energy released is huge, but the power is only one over ten of the capacitors with weight. Due to super capacitor charge and discharge process is a physical change, compared with the chemical change of lithium battery charge and discharge process, the super capacitor can be fast to fast to put, don't worry about damage to the battery. Industry experts believe that the above advantages can replace success with lithium-ion batteries in the new energy vehicles.

Super capacitor has been used in the field of city bus and passenger cars, however, because of the high bulk for super capacitor, so vulnerable to limit when applied to the new energy cars. And graphene to improve lithium battery lithium technology and graphene capacity, the future of the super capacitor to further development, you need to improve the ratio of: how to volume in the same situation, improve the super capacitor value?


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